Thursday, September 10, 2009

Welcome to Hell

First, some haiku:

Cho'gall, what the heck
Horde set up shop in Stormwind
Orcs sleep in Auction House

My name is Neurottica and for reasons I dont yet understand I decided to start playing on the Cho'gall server as an Alliance Warlock. Sounds pretty unremarkable doesnt it? Well, here are some fun facts.

  • The Horde outnumber Alliance 12 to 1
  • You will usually find less then 60 weapons (total) for sale on the Auction House
  • a stack of Wool Cloth lists for 9.99 gold
  • The main Alliance guild apparently fled in a fit of rage
Somehow, through the World of Warcraft forums, it got to be known that the server is extremely imbalanced so a bunch of courageous folks decided to make the journey en masse to the Alliance side.  Why? Because we're heroes dammit, not a bunch of smelly Horde.

I hope you enjoy reading my journals as much as I enjoyed making them.

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